Sunday, June 24, 2012

Jumping In...

I've been spending the past two months "blog stalking" and have found such a wonderful community of teachers so willing to share ideas and advice that I couldn't resist joining in. I have truly been inspired by so many of the wonderful blogging teachers out there and I cannot wait to start creating new materials and sharing my experiences with the world. I hope that I can inspire teachers the way that I have been inspired! Welcome to MaMa Goose's KinderGarden, let the adventure begin...


  1. Welcome to blogging!!!

    I am have a giveaway for my K-2 journals/portfolio printables! My latest resources is Geometry...would love if you would stop by!

    Tales From a Traveling Teacher

    1. Thank's Kelly!! I hope you enjoy following me!

  2. Welcome, Stephanie, to the wonderful world of blogging! You will LOVE it!

    ΡΌ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  3. Welcome to blogging Stephanie! I hope you love it as much as I do! It is an amazing and encouraging journey that makes me a better teacher each day.

    I love the name of your blog. It makes me think of Mother Goose and how so many kiddos do not know nursery rhymes these days. I always love teaching them to my kiddos.

    I am happy to be your newest follower. I would love for you to come and visit me when you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart

    1. Hi Heather!! Thanks for the kind words. I'm super excited to be blogging now and I agree 100%, I am finding blogging and reading other blogs is encouraging and motivating me to be a better teacher every day!
